Wednesday, October 8, 2008

::New Chapter, new-ly blog::

Dearest readers...

U noe i love love love allll of you. (well err.. .if i noe u then sure! ). So i guess i shud tell u that i've been taken 2-3 days to make this blog, touch up a lil bit utk see better, add my pic+my momok pic huhuhu!! And lastly blogging altogether (huahahaha end up done already)...

B4 tis just reading my frens blog and hafta tat br ler timbul rasa cam nak berblogging gaks..ahakss!! At least leh sharing each other.. Ermm dayah, mimie and yg lain2 tu thanks a lot... Jasa mu dikenang..huahahahah!!

But i think tis prolly time starting a new chapter (or at least i'd like to think), a new adventure that some know as college...(hehe) tis new to me, so shud be refreshing... almost like a breath of fresh air (???). I am excited, yes. But bit of sadness because my family... is so near yet so far...
And today gak momok gi kursus kat PD untill saturday...huhuhu!! Miss u dear... Hafta raya ni me br sekali kuar ngan ngan momok itu pun just temankan dia pegi UMMC utk follow up scanning result dia tempoh hari... So far Alhamdulillah, thank God bcuz tak de apa yg urgent case just follow up from time to time wif specialist and pas ni app wif urology laks... Huii mcm2 momok nii... Masih tak sempat nak spend time together ngan momok... Weekend ni lak of course la momok penat kan.. Tak pe next time jer la... Sabar... Tp usually no matter how momok tired dia psti akan ajak me kuar huhuhu!!! Just wait and see..... Me story later bout tat keyy...

1 comment:

Daisy Biru said...

welcome, welcome new blogger